Staging Your Home? 4 Mistakes Every Homeowner Should Avoid

Posted on: 26 September 2017

Staging your home when selling it is increasingly becoming an important part of getting a quick sale and a good price. But, since most people have little experience with home staging, it can be hard to know how to do it right. To help you be successful, here are 4 staging mistakes to avoid:

Using Existing Furnishings. Staging isn't just about reducing clutter and moving furniture around. It's also about finding pieces that add to the feeling you want to convey and don't distract from it. Old, outdated, or damaged furniture will only draw attention to itself and take away from people's ability to focus on the bigger picture. Remove any furnishings that don't add to the harmonious and positive image of the room. You can often rent furniture, art, and other accessories instead.

Misusing Rooms. All the rooms in the home should be returned to their original and normal purposes while the house is on the market. If you've converted a dining room into an extra kids' play area or are using a bedroom as an office, for example, turn them back into traditional spaces. The goal of staging is to allow a potential buyer to visualize themselves in the home, and it's easier to do that when rooms meet normal expectations.

Not Staging Everything. If your staging budget is tight or you don't have a lot of time, it's better to mildly stage the whole house rather than professionally stage only a portion of it. The glaring contrast between heavily staged rooms and an old, unused room still filled with clutter can be very off-putting for buyers and make things worse. The same goes for ignoring either the exterior or interior and simply focusing on one aspect of the home. Staging is a whole-house effort. 

Not Getting Help. If your home has a lot of clutter, you have a busy life, or the house really needs an update, consider hiring professional staging services. Attempting to rearrange things or settling for small staging efforts on your own can result in a lower sale price and a drawn-out selling process. A stager can work with even the most challenging of houses to find ways to make it brighter, more modern, larger, and more appealing from the curb.

Home staging can be a little complicated. However, by knowing how to avoid the most common mistakes, you can approach the task with confidence and excitement rather than worry. Contact a company like The Designer's Niche for more information and assistance. 
